Wednesday, March 25, 2009


1irst a couple of updates:

1. i am still unemployed this economy is hard
2. i havent wrote about my brother larry mcentire for a while cuz he ask me not to


so my frend dade came over stinking like booze and in a good mood. so i thought this is going to be troubel
and it was he had a box of fireworks like bottle rockers and black cats and he said we are going to set them off.

my frends know that i dont like fireworks mainly because of the danger

it was really late so we said *no* and started watching a movie larry got called jumper
well bad move i fell asleep and then i woke up to one of the bottle rockets going off in the house
dade was shooin them off in the livin room
it didnt cause any damage but it was real loud
anyway larry came out real mad cuz he had to work today and it was like 2am
he said he sould kick me out for that
and cuz i dont work
so dade got real mad and left
i just slept on the couch and larry was real loud when we was gettin ready for work

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