Monday, October 15, 2007


my aunt and her husband came out to visit us here in california from oklohoma. needless to say they "didnt like the traffic" or the "people" they have no styles. anyone i love them and my brother larry was sure happy to see them because he live with them for a long time when he was a troubleed teen. well folks it is my aunts birthday and i want to ROAST her i think they dont have much "time left" so i wrote some good roast jokes . but i have never done this so i dont know if they ar too mean a little mean. tell me what you think i'll check on the commenets later

1. they would make a nice married team if it werent for my aunt bonnie
2. i dont like them because of the "bad smells" and "gross habits"
3. she catn keep a job because she steels
4. she would watch football but she cant afford a tv
5. what happened to her dog? it ran away because it didnt like her
6. she dosnet have any money
7. she went to the beautie salon but they turned her away becasue they dont want a bad reputation

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