Wednesday, February 20, 2008


well i had 2 work out in pomona 4 a work program
so i drove out there and my truck is messed up from
the accident wich was cool cuz pomona is close to CITY OF COMMERCE where i live

so i had to learn about bein safe from some noob he was like 45 and he was all ways sayin my kids do this and my kids do that well *i dont care* i told him. i got no kids and i dont want to hear a bout any ever

not from you or any 1. now lets get to you teaching me some safe stuff

well i thougth i did good at the school but then i took a test at the end and that dood didnt do any of the stuff whats a pedestrean in a cross walk? whats a residenal speed limit? who has a right a way?


i guess i should have listened to his stroy i go back to my real job THURS and i no my boos is gonna flip out big. he all ready said i got three strikes when i was using my blow horn to yell at a car-jacker. any way ill keep y updated

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