Wednesday, March 12, 2008

stackers own jumpers

"stackers own jumpers" - kevin mcentire and dade merchant

stackers stack on jumpers
jumpers are not kings
jump all around the house
jump up in time with phone rings

they dont got a jumprope
but they jump like they do
stackers see you jumping
then they stack attack on you

stackers can stack three or five
not looking for trouble
if jumpers want to challenge
then stacker will stack double

four to ten stacking up
double up - ok
stacking two to six
yep it happens every day

think about joining jumpers
its not that fun
stackers stack two or more
jumpers stack only one

stackers staring down
a jumper on vacation
the gaze is unbroken
the jumper thinks its flirtation

jumpers jump and fall
get grass stains on their knees
stackers get good breaks
take a stack from two to three

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one rythmical poem? I canut beleave how goot is the ryming and obsecurite of the reel meaning.