Friday, April 20, 2007

Title: The Gravity Dance Reunion

[location: in an unidentified spacecraft flying around over a planet.]

"You will be safe with me the gravity dance."
"But what if those thugs come in with their oversize spaceketball shirts and tilted hover hats?"
"So what if they do?" I said, getting a little mad.
"They could turn off the gravity like they did 20 years ago..."
"It won't happen! Can't happen. Times have changed. I know you had a hard time at that dance so long ago, floating all about. Weightless. Besides the equipment is completely different now, it would take a team of scientists to shut it down."
"Thats what they said twenty years ago...and it didn't stop was so terrible," she said looking worried, "I hovered around just inches above the floor - soon the whole room was filled with tiny particles of liquid from the bar and the restrooms. I was soaked and humiliated. You know my Aunt Dana made me a special dress just for that night. And it was ruined."
"But twenty years have passed...Twenty years Becky! I'm an important government official now, and you are a beautiful colonist. Those thugs probably had to get jobs hauling asteroids around the milky way - they probably wont even show up tonight."

any thoughts? Thanks everyone...Kevin

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