Thursday, December 27, 2007

how was your chrismas?

so i waz at my moms house for chrismas and my brother was there
and my aunt karen and her husband wally strodenmire
now i am NOT a old fashon kind of guy my
my favorite movie is easy terminater and blade
i like lisense to wed and snoop dog

so at chrismas dinner
by this guy wally strodenmire loves to swear
i have never heard so much fowl words
1. at a chrismas dinner
2. at construction school
3. at a rated r movie
4. on a job site or bar or dance club
5. in a rap song

it made me so nervus because my mom was there
and she dosent like words like above the d-word
or even that one so i was thinking it
wood be a good chrismas gift to my mom to
ask him to "lay off doos"

so i did and he was like mad and didnt talk
to me after that until we were playing my
cousins nintendo and he would lose a guy and
start rite up again. fif and ding
he was shoutin and my mom herd him
all the way from the garage and she open
the door and ask us to plese keep it down
and i was like dood you are going to far y
do you cuss so much and he was like man thats
the way i all ways talk becasue i work at
a car shop and car body shop and thats
the way it is and i cant just stop and
he said he was so sory

but then rite away he was at it again so
i decided to show him who was boss and
i put his cofee cup right on the edge
of the table so he wood spill it and
be embarsed well folks he tiped it over
sure e-nuf and he just started up with the
swearing again and he is like 60 years old
or 50

so i put a hand
full chrismas spinitch under his
car seat that should smell nice rite
about new year

p.s. i guess what is wally short for?
did you guess walrus. well thats the answer
his nick name was walrus cuz of his gross
big teeth and now every one just calls
him wally his real name is thadeus

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