Monday, January 7, 2008


WELL MY NEW TRUCK IS DENTED UP thanks to me crashing into a dumptruck out on
figueora (Wee, i had to look that spell up) it wasnt that fast but it
really raked up my ride.

so any way the truck was stopped on the side of the road and it was parked
and i was watching a dvd in my car and smack i side scraped the truck and it
nocked up my truck. the dvd was not blade, goo dguess - yea tom hanks
cast away. im suprised that i didnt crash from being board - but i was juss not lookin.

now let me tell you my truck is really messed up but i can still drive onit
passenger side damage list
broken: winshield
broken out: passneger window
broken out: passneger back window
bent: bar that goes from the hood to the roof by the winshield
bent: bar that goes to roof behind door
bent: bar that goes to roof on back corner
bent and dented up like a tent: roof
stuck closed and twisted up: passenger door
missing: side mirror

the big hit was on the door top the winshield broke
from the roof getting twisted
i was nt hrut but i dont have insurence

so after wrek i stopped and got out and the dump truck
was still looking new i couldnt even tell where i hit it

now i taped trash bags over the broken windows
this willprobably cost more then when i
scratched up larry sportbike when i hid it
next to the house

i kept the truck in good condition for almost 2 months

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