Tuesday, January 29, 2008

rules 2 live by

---dotn be a wisecracker at 1st people think thats funny but then you lose your job when you say something that crosses the line

---if you fire it up wrap ir up. yeah you can start working onwhat you start but do you ever finish? no. but if you watch tv or a movie you go to the end then why not in real life

---just do it. if you gotta do it then i say to do it.

---no your self if of cant do something then admit that and move on dot org

---when people do a quit, you just keep going. you got to keep going. other people might have quit for a reason but if you keep going you will get that respect and you will get the job done if you

---be spirtital join up to nature and organic so that you can cleanse

---if your want somehting go and get it hay yah i want a new car well i can go buy one from my uncle or i can not call him on his cell phone and never get one the choice is yours
---dont waste time if you can decide between hay ill sleep in or ill get up and watch congress on tv - you should get up cuz it might be your last day and you mite learn somethin

---dant say oh im going to get a job witht the department then juss sit a round watching indian jones - go fill out that application if you dont have a car then take the bus over their and then look sharp because if you look lik e you were sleeping on the bus they might give you the application but make a note under the desk dont hire this lazy workslacker

---get in shape organic food diet go to the gym you cant aford it well then lift some klumber you got in the yard or a tire

---if some oneis old they proabably no what they are talking about unless it is about the internet or blue tooth because they didnt have that stuff when they were kids or in their 40s so it is foren to them but on stuff like where is a good place to work on your car and where is a good place to buy saddle soap and good kinds of soop they are a good sorce of information

---lisen to other people instead of always talking about your sister who is a bank teller or your boss who was in nasa who cares listen to others and get wise jack when you talk you learn nothing when you listen you get smart and get fireds

---dont point the finger at excuses lkie my bus broke down or i overslept juss acept that you were late for work and move on dont blame the bus driver if you are late cuz if you do it 3 times they will fir eyou

---dont get all emotionl like if you win the company bonus then you smile all day or if your boss dies then you get all sad just control you emotions

---try not to be 2 boring like at your moms house when she has a new boy friend over and you are getting introduced and you say like how is the weather oh its raining again like always ROTFL,,,try to be interesting and laugh with the guy like tell a joke or a pun or juss be wacky and shake hands with a really tuff grip and then laff it off like you are crazy but still a fun kid or guy to be around you mom will like it cuz you broke the tension and make better firned with her new love

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